
Posts Tagged ‘cia.navi.cx’

Another year, another content platform. Luckily for me, this content platform’s like the last, a bit more flexible than the one before that or the other one after that… or was that before the after one? Certainly more informative to the average punter than the auto-generated stuff I’ve created in the past in multiple locations due to historical reasons. But will I be bothered to add anything useful here when my previously created platform‘s still used so heavily? Should I also link to places that have long since expired? I’m getting on to 40 years old, been online in one form or another since I was 12. This is getting beyond a joke. Not that long ago, I’d have a bookshelf with a collection of our favourites and a journal I’d scrawl our notes in. Such an idea today is considered wildly anachronistic. If you’re not Tweeting your URLs and RT’ing stuff someone else said, sharing a post or datamining and dark stalking some random group on FB, stealing licks and melodies from MySpace or republishing someone else’s work on YouTube and claiming it as your own by adding subtitles and posting it to Digg or Reddit, you’re past it.

In the words of one of my favourite groups of lyricists, if you’re not famous by fourteen you’re finished. Or in my case with this blog, 40. I’d best warm up the coffee and get cracking…

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